We would like to take this time to inform you that we have a new interactive online health portal, PyraMed, 将在全校范围内使用. This portal will allow you to schedule appointments with Athletic Training and Health & Wellness, 填写/签署重要的健康和运动训练表格, 上传支持健康和运动训练的文件, 和康维尔护士沟通, 运动训练人员, 学生访问服务等等!

This web portal will have up-to-date information on things you need to know and any important updates that have been made on campus directly affecting your health and wellbeing. 我们鼓励你点击下面的链接, use your school credentials (your school email login information) to log in and see if you have any pending forms or documents that need to be submitted. You will need to complete a few forms before the spring 2024 semester begins so please log on sooner than later to get started on these. If you are having trouble logging in, please submit a Cayzu and IT will be happy to assist you!

Please remember you will need to use this site to book your appointments to see your Athletic Trainers also going forward. 到门户的链接是 huntingdon.studenthealthportal.com. 我们希望这个新的门户不仅能帮助我们, but help you streamline any processes you need to follow while using our health services. We are excited about this process and look forward to seeing you soon!

十大菠菜靠谱平台健康 & Wellness, Athletic Training, and Student Access Services Functions available on the portal:

  • Home-Home Page
  • 我的个人资料-学生可以更改他们的密码,查看免疫 & 实验室历史和访问总结 & Images
  • 消息—您可以通过门户/视图消息发送安全消息
  • 我的表格——学生可以填写 & 在线提交并签署表格
  • 预约安排——学生可以在线安排约会
  • Doc Upload-Students can upload documents to the portal that will transfer to PyraMed.


健康和保健办公室 is located in Jackson Home, Room 113. 办公时间是早上8:30.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. 该办公室为轻伤提供治疗, 症状评估, 非处方药物, 还有转介给医生, clinics, and hospitals. Walk-ins are welcome; appointments are recommended.

注意:如果您有COVID-19的症状, call the office to report your symptoms but do not come to the office.


  • Email healthandwellness@hawks.90bc.net
  • 办公室:(334)833-4440
  • 下班后的紧急情况,拨打911,并通知校园保安(334)324-6565.
  • 下班后生病去紧急护理机构.


Services Available

  • First Aid
  • Triage and referral in association with Vaughn Urgent Care and various clinics and specialists in the River Region
  • 非处方药物
  • 注射(需要家长指导和医生转诊)
  • Issuance of medical excuses for legitimate, substantial, and defensible causes. In order to obtain a medically excused absence from Student Health Services, students must provide medical documentation (medical excuse) or be seen in Student Health Services.
  • Flu Shots – 健康和保健办公室 provides an annual Flu Shot Clinic in the fall during which flu shots are administered at a nominal cost. 在你的电子邮件中留意这项服务的通知.
  • 如需咨询和心理健康需求,请联系十大菠菜靠谱平台 咨询服务办公室 at hccounseling@hawks.90bc.net.


There is no cost associated with services by the Office of Health and Wellness, 然而,外部供应商可能有相关的成本. Students will file with their health insurance provider(s) as necessary.

General Information

  • Students are required to submit the Student Health Form prior to enrollment.
  • Students who take special medications or who are allergic to medications are strongly encouraged to wear medical identification warning bracelets.
  • 十大菠菜靠谱平台是一个无烟的校园.

Important Resources


In the interest of the health and safety of the entire Huntingdon community, Huntingdon College requires that students have their immunization records up to date, be screened for tuberculosis (according to recommendations from the Alabama Department of Public Health) and undergo other required and recommended immunizations and screenings.

Flu shots are available for a nominal cost through the Office of Student Health Services during the fall semester.

十大菠菜靠谱平台健康表, 所有学生入学时必须参加的考试, 可以在网上完成,作为 报名表格及资料  page.


  • DTap -白喉,破伤风和百日咳
  • IPV – Polio
  • MMR -麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹
  • 水痘-水痘


  • 脑膜炎球菌四价(A, C, Y, W-135)
  • Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)— for males and females ages 9 – 26 years old.
  • 甲型肝炎疫苗:按系列注射.
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗:按系列注射.
  • 流感:每年注射一次, this vaccination is available on campus for a nominal fee during the fall semester.
  • Covid - 19疫苗:请参阅CDC链接获取建议. http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html


Students enrolled in 12 credit hours or more in any one semester are required to submit health insurance documentation. Students are required to comply with any and all federal and/or state laws regarding the maintenance of health insurance. 强烈建议学生们进行医疗检查, accident, 由信誉良好的医疗机构提供住院治疗和健康保险. Huntingdon College is not responsible for students’ health-related expenses. Information regarding health insurance is available in the Office of Health and Wellness.

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